Taking care of patiens
In-patients of the ICU often need a constant and total aid by the nursing staff and auxiliary, as a non-self-sufficient in order to satisfy their basic needs. The entire staff takes care of every aspect of patient and provides an aid not only focused on the disease but also on the person and his needs. In particular, the doctors and nurses of the ICU are always careful to control the pain and suffering, whether due to illness and life-saving treatments that require invasive procedures.
For each patient, able or not to verbally express his needs, they guarantee all the necessary assistance on basic needs: personal hygiene is performed every morning or when it is necessary, the diet is carried out through the phleboclysis (parenteral nutrition) or nasogastric tube (SNG) (enteral nutrition); mobilization and physiotherapy are made when necessary.
After the fulfillment of the basic needs, the attention of the medical staff focus on the emotional and psychological well-being of patients in order to make the hospital stay as comfortable as possible. For instance, " having a chat" with patients when it is possible, or making them listen to music.
Also the presence of the family and the people who cared about them is a positive factor for the patient, giving him comfort and it sets up a precious support during a particularly difficult period as the one that they are spending in the ICU.
However all interventions are made for the best well-being of the patient even, when it is necessary, the restrictions of visits from the family.