Continuous monitoring
For continuous observation (or monitoring) it is meant the display and recording on a continuous and real-time data about the patient's vital signs
The purposes of monitoring are:
1. Immediately understand the state of health of the patient, and to describe the course of the illness.
2. Promptly report the occurrence of pathological events.
3. Obtain information for the best choice of care and treatment and verify the correct application.
In Intensive Care Units parameters are multiple, that can be monitored according to the needs of the patient. Some examples are:

• Blood Pressure
• Respiratory rate
• Saturation peripheral oxygen
• Diuresis time
• State of consciousness
• Pain
• Body temperature
From all these numbers and direct clinical observation, signs can be drawn in order to treat a patient in the best way it is possible. It is important not to give too much importance to a single measure (eg, fever, or high blood pressure): only the set of all data enables to contemplate the actual performance of clinical conditions.